Unlocking CDI: Overcoming Access Issues with Spring/Jointfaces WAR on Wildfly Server
Image by Lillika - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking CDI: Overcoming Access Issues with Spring/Jointfaces WAR on Wildfly Server

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Are you tired of wrestling with the Wildfly server, only to find yourself “Unable to access CDI with Spring/Jointfaces WAR”? You’re not alone! This pesky issue has frustrated many developers, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into a comprehensive guide to overcome this hurdle once and for all.

The Culprit: understanding the CDI and Spring/Jointfaces Conundrum

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s briefly explore the underlying issue. CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) is a fundamental aspect of Java EE, providing a standardized way to manage dependencies and inject beans. Spring, on the other hand, is a popular Java-based framework for building web applications. Jointfaces is a JSF (JavaServer Faces) implementation that integrates with Spring. When you bundle these technologies into a WAR file and deploy it on a Wildfly server, you might encounter CDI access issues.

Symptoms of the Problem

  • CDI beans are not injectable
  • NPEs (NullPointerExceptions) when attempting to access CDI beans
  • Wildfly server logs indicating CDI issues orScan failures

Diagnosing the Root Cause: Common Pitfalls

To resolve the issue, it’s essential to identify the root cause. Here are some common pitfalls that might lead to CDI access problems:

  • Incomplete or missing CDI annotations: Ensure that your CDI beans are properly annotated with @Inject, @Named, or other relevant annotations.
  • Incorrect WAR packaging: Verify that your WAR file contains the required libraries and configuration files for CDI and Spring/Jointfaces.
  • Misconfigured Wildfly server: Check the Wildfly server configuration, ensuring that CDI is enabled and properly configured.
  • Version incompatibilities: Ensure that the versions of Spring, Jointfaces, and Wildfly are compatible with each other.

Solutions to Access CDI with Spring/Jointfaces WAR on Wildfly Server

Now that we’ve identified the common pitfalls, let’s dive into the solutions:

Solution 1: Verify CDI Annotations and Configuration

<!-- beans.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee"
    <!-- Enable CDI -->

Ensure that your `beans.xml` file is present in the `WEB-INF` directory of your WAR file and contains the correct CDI configuration.

Solution 2: Package the WAR File Correctly

Verify that your WAR file contains the required libraries and configuration files:

Library/File Description
spring-web.jar Spring Framework library
jointfaces-impl.jar Jointfaces implementation library
jsf-api.jar JSF API library
beans.xml CDI configuration file

Solution 3: Configure Wildfly Server for CDI

Edit the Wildfly server’s `standalone.xml` file to enable CDI:

<!-- standalone.xml -->
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:cdi:2.0">
    <!-- Enable CDI -->

Restart the Wildfly server to apply the changes.

Solution 4: Check Version Compatibility

Verify that the versions of Spring, Jointfaces, and Wildfly are compatible with each other:

  • Spring: 4.3.20.RELEASE or later
  • Jointfaces: 3.3.0 or later
  • Wildfly: 14.0.1.Final or later

Update your dependencies to ensure compatibility.


By following these solutions, you should be able to overcome the “Unable to access CDI with Spring/Jointfaces WAR on Wildfly server” issue and successfully deploy your application. Remember to:

  1. Verify CDI annotations and configuration
  2. Package the WAR file correctly
  3. Configure the Wildfly server for CDI
  4. Check version compatibility

With these steps, you’ll be well on your way to harnessing the power of CDI with Spring/Jointfaces on your Wildfly server.

Bonus Tip: Enabling CDI Logging for Debugging

To enable CDI logging for debugging purposes, add the following configuration to your Wildfly server’s `standalone.xml` file:

<!-- standalone.xml -->
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:3.0">
    <!-- Enable CDI logging -->
    <logger category="org.jboss.weld SEVERE"/>

This will enable CDI logging at the SEVERE level, helping you identify any CDI-related issues.

By following these solutions and best practices, you’ll be able to overcome the “Unable to access CDI with Spring/Jointfaces WAR on Wildfly server” issue and ensure a smooth development experience. Happy coding!Here are 5 questions and answers about “Unable to access CDI with spring/joinfaces war on Wildfly server” in HTML format:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your most pressing questions about accessing CDI with Spring/Joinfaces WAR on Wildfly server.

What is the main difference between Spring and Joinfaces?

Spring is a popular Java-based framework for building enterprise-level applications, while Joinfaces is a library that integrates JSF (JavaServer Faces) with Spring, allowing you to use CDI (Contexts and Dependency Injection) in your Spring-based projects. When you deploy a WAR file containing both Spring and Joinfaces on a Wildfly server, you may encounter issues accessing CDI.

Why am I unable to access CDI with my Spring/Joinfaces war on Wildfly server?

This issue often occurs due to conflicts between the CDI implementations in Wildfly (Weld) and Joinfaces (OpenWebBeans). To resolve this, you need to exclude the CDI implementation from your WAR file and rely on Wildfly’s embedded CDI implementation.

How do I exclude the CDI implementation from my WAR file?

You can exclude the CDI implementation by adding the following configuration to your WAR file’s `jboss-deployment-structure.xml` file: ``. This will prevent the CDI implementation from being packaged with your WAR file.

What changes do I need to make to my Spring configuration to support CDI?

To enable CDI support in your Spring-based project, you need to add the `@EnableCDI` annotation to your Spring configuration class. This will allow Spring to leverage Wildfly’s CDI implementation. Additionally, you may need to update your bean definitions to use CDI-style injection instead of Spring’s traditional `@Autowired` annotation.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when deploying a Spring/Joinfaces war on Wildfly server?

Some common mistakes to avoid include: failing to exclude the CDI implementation from the WAR file, not configuring the `jboss-deployment-structure.xml` file correctly, and not updating the Spring configuration to support CDI. Additionally, ensure that your project dependencies are correctly managed to avoid conflicts between different CDI implementations.

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