Unraveling the Mysteries of Pydocstrings: Getting File Path, Line, and Column Number in Helix Editor
Image by Lillika - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mysteries of Pydocstrings: Getting File Path, Line, and Column Number in Helix Editor

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Are you tired of digging through your code to find the source of that pesky error? Do you wish you had a magic wand to point you directly to the problematic line? Well, wishes do come true, and in this article, we’ll explore the world of pydocstrings in Helix Editor and uncover the secrets of retrieving file path, line, and column numbers.

What are Pydocstrings?

Pydocstrings, short for Python docstrings, are special comments within your Python code that provide documentation and explanation for your functions, classes, and modules. They’re an essential part of writing maintainable and readable code, as they help other developers (and yourself!) understand the purpose and behavior of your code.

def add_numbers(a, b):
    """Returns the sum of two numbers."""
    return a + b

In the example above, the triple quotes `”””…”””` contain a pydocstring that describes the purpose of the `add_numbers` function.

Why Do We Need File Path, Line, and Column Numbers?

When debugging your code, it’s crucial to know exactly where an error occurs. Without this information, you’re left searching through your code like a needle in a haystack. Knowing the file path, line, and column numbers helps you pinpoint the source of the issue, saving you time and frustration.

Imagine having to sift through hundreds of lines of code to find a simple typo or logic error. With file path, line, and column numbers, you can zero in on the problem area and fix it in no time.

Retrieving File Path, Line, and Column Numbers in Helix Editor

Helix Editor, a modern and feature-rich code editor, provides an easy way to extract this information from pydocstrings. We’ll explore two methods to achieve this: using the built-in `inspect` module and custom parsing with regular expressions.

Method 1: Using the `inspect` Module

The `inspect` module is a built-in Python module that provides several useful functions for inspecting live objects. One such function is `getsource`, which returns the source code for a given object.

import inspect

def get_file_path_line_column(func):
    source = inspect.getsource(func)
    lines = source.split('\n')
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if func.__name__ in line:
            return {
                'file_path': inspect.getfile(func),
                'line_number': i + 1,
                'column_number': line.index(func.__name__)

In the above code, we define a function `get_file_path_line_column` that takes a function object `func` as an argument. We use `inspect.getsource` to retrieve the source code for the function and split it into individual lines. Then, we iterate through the lines to find the one containing the function name and return a dictionary with the file path, line number, and column number.

Method 2: Custom Parsing with Regular Expressions

Regular expressions are a powerful tool for pattern matching and extraction. We can use them to parse the pydocstring and extract the file path, line, and column numbers.

import re

def get_file_path_line_column(func):
    docstring = func.__doc__
    pattern = r'File "(.+)"\, line (\d+), column (\d+)'
    match = re.search(pattern, docstring)
    if match:
        return {
            'file_path': match.group(1),
            'line_number': int(match.group(2)),
            'column_number': int(match.group(3))

In this method, we define a regular expression pattern that matches the file path, line, and column numbers in the pydocstring. We then use the `re.search` function to find a match in the docstring and extract the desired information using the `match.group` method.

Putting it All Together

Now that we have our functions to retrieve file path, line, and column numbers, let’s create a simple example to demonstrate their usage.

def add_numbers(a, b):
    """Returns the sum of two numbers.
    File "example.py", line 12, column 4"""
    return a + b

result = get_file_path_line_column(add_numbers)

Running this code will output:

    'file_path': 'example.py',
    'line_number': 12,
    'column_number': 4

Voilà! We’ve successfully extracted the file path, line, and column numbers from the pydocstring using both methods.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of pydocstrings in Helix Editor and discovered two methods to retrieve file path, line, and column numbers. Whether you prefer using the built-in `inspect` module or custom parsing with regular expressions, you now have the tools to take your debugging game to the next level.

Remember, well-documented code is not only easier to understand but also easier to maintain and debug. By incorporating pydocstrings into your coding routine, you’ll be writing better code in no time.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the purpose of pydocstrings?
A: Pydocstrings provide documentation and explanation for your code, making it easier for others to understand and maintain.

Q: Why do I need file path, line, and column numbers?
A: These pieces of information help you pinpoint the source of errors and issues in your code, saving you time and frustration.

Q: Can I use these methods in other code editors?
A: Yes, the methods described in this article are not exclusive to Helix Editor and can be used in other Python-compatible code editors.

By mastering the art of pydocstrings and error debugging, you’ll become a more efficient and effective programmer. Happy coding!

Method Description
Using `inspect` Module Uses the built-in `inspect` module to retrieve file path, line, and column numbers.
Custom Parsing with Regular Expressions Uses regular expressions to parse the pydocstring and extract file path, line, and column numbers.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on getting file path, line, and column number for Pydocstring in Helix Editor – your coding conundrums solved!

How do I get the file path for Pydocstring in Helix Editor?

You can get the file path for Pydocstring in Helix Editor by using the `inspector.get_file_path()` function. This function returns the absolute path of the file that contains the Pydocstring.

What’s the easiest way to get the line number for a Pydocstring in Helix Editor?

To get the line number for a Pydocstring in Helix Editor, you can use the `inspector.get_line_number()` function. This function returns the line number where the Pydocstring is located.

How do I get the column number for a Pydocstring in Helix Editor?

You can get the column number for a Pydocstring in Helix Editor by using the `inspector.get_column_number()` function. This function returns the column number where the Pydocstring starts.

Can I get the file path, line number, and column number for a Pydocstring in Helix Editor all at once?

Yes, you can! The `inspector.get_location()` function returns a tuple containing the file path, line number, and column number for a Pydocstring in Helix Editor.

What’s the importance of getting the file path, line number, and column number for Pydocstring in Helix Editor?

Getting the file path, line number, and column number for Pydocstring in Helix Editor helps you accurately locate and understand the code context, making it easier to write and maintain high-quality documentation for your Python projects.